Web Tools Weekly
What a Tool!

Issue #225  (Learning Tools)11/09/17

This week's issue, as I do once in a while, is devoted solely to getting your learn on – screencast series, courses, books, newsletters, interactive learning, and podcasts. Some of these are new, some are a little older.

I hope at least one of the links will be useful to you in learning a new technology, tool, or language. I try to ensure I've included a wide range of tools in the front-end spectrum, so there should be something for almost everyone here.

Do you have a book release coming up? Or maybe you built a an interactive learning site? Or have you put together a course or screencast series or other resource for teaching web development? Please let me know about it so I can include it in a future Learning Tools issue. You can respond to this email or send the link via Twitter.

And if you want more books, courses, etc., you can check out the Web Tools Weekly archives. Just do an on-page search for the words "Learning Tools" to find all such issues.

Now on to this week's learning tools!

Did you buy my previous JavaScript/DOM tips book? Here's the latest one...
70 JavaScript & DOM Tips for $5 (Volume 2)

Courses and Screencast Series

Grid By Example
YouTube playlist by Rachel Andrew covering features of the CSS Grid Layout spec.

Functional JavaScript Principles
An extensive video course covering functional programming concepts using JavaScript.

Learn D3.js in 5 Days
A concise, practical lesson in D3.js, the popular dataviz library, sent via email for five weekdays. Each lesson is short (~1000 words) and packed with information.

webpack learning academy
Curated, high-quality learning content, devoted to the webpack open source project.

Learn Pure React
An interactive deep dive (56 lessons) into the basics of React.

30 Days of React
A one-month walk through of everything you need to know to work with React. From the very beginning through testing and deployment of your first app.

Rithm School Git and GitHub
15 hours of learning the basics of using Git and GitHub in a team environment.

The Essential Web Developer Course
This free course covers full-stack web development using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Ruby on Rails.

Practical JavaScript
A course for JavaScript beginners consisting of 100+ brief screencasts, by former Google employee Gordon Zhu.

Learn SQL in 7 Days
Guru99 course on database design and basic to advanced SQL.

Introduction to Node.js
Nodecasts YouTube playlist covering the basics of server-side JavaScript.


React Quickly
By Azat Mardan. Learn to build web apps with React, JSX, Redux, and GraphQL.

The JavaScript Way
By Baptiste Pesquet. An introduction to JavaScript for beginners and those with previous programming experience.

JSON at Work
By Tom Marrs. A hands-on guide on how to build enterprise-class applications and services by leveraging JSON tooling and message/document design.

Resilient Web Design
By Jeremy Keith. Not a tutorial book but more of a history lesson in web design approaches that have proved to be resilient in the past, thus helping us understand what will work in the future.

Game Programming Patterns
By Robert Nystrom. A collection of patterns the author found in games that make code cleaner, easier to understand, and faster. The book he wishes he had when he started making games.

CSS In Depth
By Keith Grant. A comprehensive deep-dive into all aspects of CSS. Good for beginners, but just as valuable for those already familiar with CSS.

Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja
By John Resig, Bibeault, Maras. In its 2nd edition, a must-have for anyone serious about large-scale JavaScript development.

Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming
A deep 10-chapter discussion of the functional programming paradigm using JavaScript as the example language.

Learn Enough Git to Be Dangerous
By Michael Hartl. An introduction to version control with Git.

Automating Your Workflow
By Zell Liew. A look at how to use Gulp to automate development tasks and improve the efficiency of your development workflow.

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Newsletters and Podcasts

Web Audio Weekly
Doesn't seem to be active anymore, but if you're interested in news, demos, and links related to the Web Audio API, you can check out the archives.

Friday Front-End
Front-end development links tweeted daily, emailed weekly.

A podcast for web developers, hosted by Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski.

5 minutes of React
Another one that hasn't been updated in two months, but might be worth listening to the archives.

React Status
One of the newer Cooperpress newsletters, covering React news, tools, and links.

Accessibility Weekly
A weekly dose of web accessibility to help you bring it into your everyday work. Delivered to your inbox each Monday, curated by David A. Kennedy.

ECMAScript Daily
Links on ES/JS with the option to subscribe to a weekly mailing.

React.js Newsletter
The free, weekly newsletter of the best React news, articles, projects, and more.

Pony Foo Weekly
A newsletter by Nicolás Bevacqua about the open web, highlighting the most important news about the web every Thursday.

A Tweet for Thought

Fixed something that wasn't working in your code? This is good advice.

Suggestions / Corrections

Made something? Send links via Twitter @WebToolsWeekly (details here). No tutorials or articles, please. If you have any suggestions for improvement or corrections, feel free to reply to this email.

Before I Go...

If you want even more learning tools, Moocha is a search engine for courses from edX, Udacity, Coursera, and more. 

Thanks to all for subscribing and reading!

Keep tooling,