Issue #146  (Text Editors, Testing, Uncats)05/05/16

No introductory tutorial/tip this week, but here are a couple of things I'm looking into for future issues:
  • The Range API, which has a ton of interesting methods and properties. This API allows you to manipulate and work with document fragments.
  • Executing inline scripts when injecting DOM fragments (I'm just reading about this in John Resig's Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja). It's not something I've given a lot of thought to before, but would be interesting to see how the book approaches this.
Feel free to respond to this email if you've discovered some new DOM or JavaScript tip that you think is worth covering in a future issue. If I use your suggestion, I'll send you a free e-version of my HTML5 & CSS3 book!

Now on to this week's tools!


Text Editors, Code Playgrounds, etc.

Xi Editor
"An attempt to build a high quality text editor, using modern software engineering techniques. It is initially built for Mac OS X, using Cocoa for the user interface, but other targets are planned."

Autocomplete from Stack Overflow
An online tool that lets you autocomplete common code snippets from popular JavaScript answers on StackOverflow. Doesn't seem to have text editor integration yet, though.
"An open source pastebin with runnable snippets and API." Lots of languages supported.

"Tool for live editing CSS components written in Vue."

Visual CSS flexbox builder
"Meet the first visual flexbox builder. Easily build flexible, responsive layouts—without writing code. Only in Webflow."

React Native Tools
A Visual Studio Code extension for developing React Native projects.

"Vastly improved JavaScript indentation and syntax support in Vim."

The NERD Tree
A tree explorer plugin for Vim.

"Full path fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, ... finder for Vim."
384 Pages of CSS for $7 (PDF E-Book)

Testing and Debugging Tools

PhantomJs Cloud
"A web-browser hosted as a service, using PhantomJs online (Chrome) to render your javascript heavy webpages as HTML, PDF, JPEG, PNG, or JSON."

"Tests your libraries in many different versions of NodeJS, Ruby, Java and many other languages."

Log Wizard
"I created LogWizard to help anyone that really needs to deal with logs, in order to hunt down bugs and/or issues that happen somewhere else (read = at customer site)."

"Lets you build split tests (A/B tests) directly into your React app."

"Allows you to run a command and see what it does to your files without actually doing it! After reviewing the operations listed, you can then decide whether you really want these things to happen or not."

Tool to check if any of your NPM repository names are trademarked.

"Instant visual diffing with CSS blend modes."

"Easier debugging for ES6+ arrow functions."

"Remotely inspect end user bugs. Automatically get complete recording of user actions, network requests and web page changes each time end user faces an error."

"Catch CSS curve balls. Breaking CSS is easy. Checking every responsive page element is hard. That’s why there's BackstopJS."
70 JavaScript and DOM Tips for $5 (EPUB, MOBI, PDF)

The Uncategorizables
"Easy bulk nameserver redirects."

"A smarter web browser." For OSX or Ubuntu.

All Origins
An open source alternative to with support for gzipped pages.

"Wrap any web page natively without even thinking, across Windows, OSX and Linux."

"A new programming language for the web that compiles to highly performant and readable JavaScript."

"Self hosted newsletter app built on top of Nodemailer."

"Build your own digital assistant. Digital assistants are huge, complex pieces of software. Abot makes it easy and fun to build your own digital assistant, and we include everything you need to get started."

"Beautiful JavaScript API-Docs made simple."

npm Discover
"Discover what NPM packages are commonly used together by other JS developers."

"A modular and lightweight CMS built with modern technologies. It gives you the tools to create beautiful websites. All wrapped up in a clean and intuitive user interface."

Bot Framework
"Build and connect intelligent bots to interact with your users naturally wherever they are, from text/sms to Skype, Slack, Office 365 mail and other popular services."
384 Pages of CSS for $7 (PDF E-Book)

A Tweet for Thought

From 2014, David Winterbottom's desirable developer skills.

Suggestions / Corrections

Made something? Send links via Twitter @WebToolsWeekly (details here). No tutorials or articles, please. If you have any suggestions for improvement or corrections, feel free to reply to this email.

Before I Go...

Apparently you can now get Lumberrolled. Gotta respect that sense of humor!

Thanks to all for subscribing and reading!

Keep tooling,
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