Issue #600 (JS Libs, Build Tools, Uncats)01/16/25
Save Yourself From Intoxicated Sleep
Did you know that EMF exposure from your phone, Wi-Fi, and other electronic devices can significantly disrupt your sleep? Studies have shown that EMFs interfere with the body’s natural circadian rhythms, leading to difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, and achieving deep, restorative rest.
Aires Tech offers a scientifically-backed solution designed to neutralize harmful EMFs and support optimal sleep quality. Start sleeping better and wake up feeling more refreshed with Aires Tech’s advanced EMF protection solutions.
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It's absolutely crazy that this is issue #600 of Web Tools Weekly. I don't know if there's anyone that's been here since the beginning, but if you have, feel free to hit reply and let me know!
When I started this newsletter in 2013, I had no idea what I was getting into. It just seemed like a newsletter was the 'shiny new thing' to do besides having a blog. And that was way before the newsletter boom actually happened!
I don't know if I'll still be doing this for 600 more issues, but I enjoy it and it keeps the bills paid. I hope you all continue to benefit from the links I share and if you have any suggestions for tools (your own or otherwise) feel free to send them over via DM on X, Bluesky, or hit reply on this message.
Now on to this week's tools!
JavaScript Libraries & Frameworks
Nuxtor — A spiritual successor of an older project called ViTauri, this is a library to build tiny desktop apps with Tauri, Nuxt 3, and UnoCSS.
Tuono — A full-stack web framework for building React applications using Rust as the backend with a strong focus on usability and performance.
citizen — An MVC-based web app framework designed to be a foundation for a traditional server-side web application, a modular single-page application (SPA), or a RESTful API.
Yantra — A managed JavaScript Engine for .NET Standard that compiles JavaScript to .Net Assembly, written completely in C#.
Start the New Year Right – Stay Hydrated — Kick off your New Year’s health goals with NativePath Hydrate! This powerful electrolyte mix helps reduce dehydration, boost energy, and support muscle recovery. Packed with amino acids and electrolytes, it’s the smart way to stay hydrated in winter without excess sodium or sugars. SPONSORED
Jazz — An open-source toolkit for building apps with distributed state, featuring mutable local state that’s instantly synced, binary blobs, and with users and permissions built-in.
Mizu — A lightweight, intuitive, and customizable JavaScript library that's designed to be flexible, works on client and server, is easy to customize, and avoids the steep learning curve of similar UI libraries like React, Vue, etc.
workerful — A lightweight (only 96.7 kb), worker driven, Electron alternative, based on both system browser and node presence.
Brisa — A web platform framework that produces pages that are dynamically server-rendered JSX components, with zero JavaScript shipped to the browser by default.
Encore — An open source development platform for building robust, type-safe distributed systems with declarative infrastructure.
Build Tools, Bundlers, etc.
Rsbuild — A framework-agnostic build tool powered by Rspack (the Rust-based web bundler) that's fast, extensible, easy to configure, among other features.
eslint-ts-patch — An plugin to support loading eslint.config.mjs or eslint.config.ts as a flat config file for ESLint. — A tool that allows each of your commits and pull requests to trigger an instant preview release without publishing anything to npm, allowing access to features and bug-fixes without the need to wait for release cycles.
Quicky — A powerful CLI tool that simplifies deployment and management of Next.js and Node.js projects with minimal configurations.
Meco — A newsletter reader that includes AI audio roundups, newsletter recommendations, and bookmarking. Supports email signup via Gmail, Outlook, or your own unique Meco email address. SPONSORED
is-my-node-vulnerable — A package that helps ensure the security of your Node.js installation by checking for known vulnerabilities by comparing the version of Node.js you have installed to the Node.js security database.
Re.Pack — A toolkit to build your React Native application with Webpack, with features like code splitting, built-in Flipper support, a dev server, and it's heavily configurable.
pkg-graph — An online tool that allows you to visualize the dependency graph of any npm packages, just enter the name then optionally adjust the depth level.
vlt — A CLI and serverless registry described as "the future of JavaScript packages", with tools and infrastructure to streamline package management and scale efficiently.
TypeScript Remove — A utility that removes unused code from TypeScript projects, like tree shaking, but for source files.
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The Uncategorizables
mise-en-place — Like asdf (the popular runtime manager), but for any language, it manages dev tools (Node, Python, etc.), environment variables, tasks for your builds, etc.
Better Auth — A framework-agnostic authentication and authorization library for TypeScript that provides a comprehensive set of features and a plugin ecosystem that simplifies adding advanced functionality with minimal code.
PraccJS — A desktop REPL client, currently available for Mac, for organizing and executing JavaScript code snippets, for help practicing your JavaScript.
DMNO — A full-stack configuration tool that provides validation, leak detection/prevention, and type-safety for your environment variables and secrets.
WordPress Design System — A Figma plugin that contains Figma styles and components that mirror the base UI components in @wordpress/components and the icons in @wordpress/icons.
Prepping for Dinner Can Take Less Time than Reading this Newsletter! — Tovala meals take just 1 minute to prep—and they’re freshly cooked every time in your Tovala Smart Oven. SPONSORED
vince — A self-hosted, privacy friendly alternative to Google Analytics that's GDPR, CCPA and PECR compliant. — An online tool that lets you live test your primary and secondary fonts, pulled from Google Fonts, with a button to randomize font pairings.
aws-lite — A simple, extremely fast, extensible Node.js client for interacting with AWS services, a community-driven alternative to AWS's JavaScript SDK.
Pipet — A command-line based web scraper, written in Go, that supports three modes of operation: HTML parsing, JSON parsing, and client-side JavaScript evaluation.
Commercial Apps & Classifieds
Skycloak – A Keycloak-based enterprise-grade identity and access management platform.
The 20% Investor – AI-powered investing for pro investors, for 20% per year monthly dividends. AD
Codehooks – Easy setup and rapid development with a NoSQL database API and REST API.
| – A Figma tool that lets you design and publish websites without leaving Figma.
Techpresso – Join 100,000+ free daily readers for the latest AI and tech news, tools, and insights. AD
StealthBrowser – State-of-the-art cloud-based browsers with scalability for scraping, testing, etc.
Nuxt SaaS Kit – A complete Nuxt starter kit to build a robust and market-ready SaaS.