Issue #599 (CSS/HTML, Git/CLI, JS Lib Plugins)01/09/25
CSS & HTML Tools
Type Scale Generator — An interactive type scale generator that allows you to preview and edit your type settings, including font, and export CSS, SCSS, Tailwind, or WordPress.
tailwindcss-scoped-preflight — A Tailwind plugin to avoid style conflicts when using Tailwind with other UI libraries like Ant Design, Vuetify, etc.
HTML To Markdown — An online tool to quickly convert HTML to equivalent Markdown, useful for migrating content to a Markdown-based platform like a static site generator.
Add SSO the Easy Way — WorkOS helps you ship SSO and other enterprise features this afternoon. From high-quality documentation to self-serve onboarding for your customers, we remove all the unnecessary complexity for your engineers. SPONSORED
Renderize — A PDF document generation service that allows you to render PDFs from HTML. Free plan includes 500 docs per month but with lower rendering priority.
Gradienty — A large set of CSS-powered tools that includes a Tailwind gradient generator, an animated icon set, mesh gradient generator, box shadow generator, and lots more.
gomponents — A suite of HTML components in pure Go that render to HTML5 and make it easy for you to build reusable components.
InclusiveColors — An online accessible color palette generator that allows precise control over shades and tints and has exports for numerous platforms including Tailwind, CSS, Adobe products, Procreate, Affinity Designer, etc.
Wickedblocks — 160+ ready-to-use Tailwind components and blocks, under two themed collections and more than a dozen categories.
Font Sensei — A Google Fonts picker and testing ground that allows you to view fonts based on unique category tags like groovy, futuristic, wireframe, 1980s, and so on.
Git, GitHub, & CLI Tools
Pullflow — A tool that enables AI-enhanced code review collaboration across GitHub, Slack, and VS Code, to help merge quality PRs 4X faster with synchronized conversation between developers and systems. — An online tool and GitHub app that lets you cluster open issues by similarity across multiple repositories.
Refined GitHub File Nesting — A Greasy Fork userscript that brings file nesting to GitHub like that found in VS Code.
Meco — A newsletter reader that includes AI audio roundups, newsletter recommendations, and bookmarking. Supports email signup via Gmail, Outlook, or your own unique Meco email address. SPONSORED
lla — A modern, fast file explorer built in Rust that enhances the traditional `ls` command with powerful features like plugins, specialized views, and Git integration.
Termo — A simple terminal emulator, powered by xterm.js, that can be used to create a terminal-like interface on a website. Includes a cool demo!
Todoctor — A CLI tool to analyze and report TODO comments in JavaScript and TypeScript Git repositories, to help analyze, track, and visualize technical debt.
GitGuardian — A VS Code extension that provides a safety net to help developers safeguard their sensitive information (passwords, API key, tokens, etc.) from accidental leaks in code.
Onefetch — A command-line Git information tool written in Rust that displays project information and code statistics for a local Git repository directly to your terminal.
open — An old tool that's a Node.js package for command-line tools and scripts that allows you to open things like URLs, files, and executables in a cross-platform manner.
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JavaScript Library Plugins
SvelteDnD — A lightweight drag-and-drop library for Svelte 5 applications that's built with TypeScript and Svelte's runes system for state management.
solid-events — A set of primitives for declarative event composition and state derivation for SolidJS, which works as a simpler version of RxJS that integrates well with SolidJS.
Sparkline — A lightweight and customizable sparkline (i.e. interactive graph/chart) component for Svelte 5, based on a similar vanilla JS older project.
zustand-xs — A TypeScript-based package that provides an XState/store compatible middleware for Zustand, the popular React state management tool.
ngx-sonner — An opinionated toast component for Angular apps, with options to customize the types of toast notifications, position, colors, etc.
Meco — A newsletter reader that includes AI audio roundups, newsletter recommendations, and bookmarking. Supports email signup via Gmail, Outlook, or your own unique Meco email address. SPONSORED
Solid Toast — Lightweight and customizable toast notifications for SolidJS that are accessible and based on the Promises API.
three-pinata — A Three.js library for fracturing and slicing non-convex meshes in real time, ported from an old C# library.
Tipex — An advanced rich text editor solution tailored for Svelte and built with the popular Tiptap and Prosemirror libraries.
svelte-zoomable-circles — A Svelte component for displaying and browsing hierarchical data using zoomable circles, built with Svelte and D3.js.
Commercial Apps & Classifieds
RepoFlow – A repository management platform with instant package access and smart search.
AI Mastery – A newsletter covering simple, practical career tips to prepare for our AI present. AD
Panto – A code review/security platform as a unified, end-to-end solution with GitHub integration.
MapKit – Embed interactive, customizable maps with multiple markers, no coding required.
Techpresso – Join 100,000+ free daily readers for the latest AI and tech news, tools, and insights. AD
Stripo – A no-code, drag-n-drop HTML email template builder with testing tools and bulk actions.
prbot – GitHub Slack integration for effective (not spammy) pull request notifications for teams.