Web Tools Weekly
Tools for Web Developers

Issue #599  (CSS/HTML, Git/CLI, JS Lib Plugins)01/09/25


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CSS & HTML Tools

Type Scale Generator — An interactive type scale generator that allows you to preview and edit your type settings, including font, and export CSS, SCSS, Tailwind, or WordPress.

tailwindcss-scoped-preflight — A Tailwind plugin to avoid style conflicts when using Tailwind with other UI libraries like Ant Design, Vuetify, etc.

HTML To Markdown — An online tool to quickly convert HTML to equivalent Markdown, useful for migrating content to a Markdown-based platform like a static site generator.

Add SSO the Easy Way — WorkOS helps you ship SSO and other enterprise features this afternoon. From high-quality documentation to self-serve onboarding for your customers, we remove all the unnecessary complexity for your engineers.   SPONSORED 

Renderize — A PDF document generation service that allows you to render PDFs from HTML. Free plan includes 500 docs per month but with lower rendering priority.

Gradienty — A large set of CSS-powered tools that includes a Tailwind gradient generator, an animated icon set, mesh gradient generator, box shadow generator, and lots more.


gomponents — A suite of HTML components in pure Go that render to HTML5 and make it easy for you to build reusable components.

InclusiveColors — An online accessible color palette generator that allows precise control over shades and tints and has exports for numerous platforms including Tailwind, CSS, Adobe products, Procreate, Affinity Designer, etc.

Wickedblocks — 160+ ready-to-use Tailwind components and blocks, under two themed collections and more than a dozen categories.

Font Sensei — A Google Fonts picker and testing ground that allows you to view fonts based on unique category tags like groovy, futuristic, wireframe, 1980s, and so on.

Git, GitHub, & CLI Tools

Pullflow — A tool that enables AI-enhanced code review collaboration across GitHub, Slack, and VS Code, to help merge quality PRs 4X faster with synchronized conversation between developers and systems.

unsight.dev — An online tool and GitHub app that lets you cluster open issues by similarity across multiple repositories.

Refined GitHub File Nesting — A Greasy Fork userscript that brings file nesting to GitHub like that found in VS Code.

Meco — A newsletter reader that includes AI audio roundups, newsletter recommendations, and bookmarking. Supports email signup via Gmail, Outlook, or your own unique Meco email address.    SPONSORED 

lla — A modern, fast file explorer built in Rust that enhances the traditional `ls` command with powerful features like plugins, specialized views, and Git integration.

Termo — A simple terminal emulator, powered by xterm.js, that can be used to create a terminal-like interface on a website. Includes a cool demo!


Todoctor — A CLI tool to analyze and report TODO comments in JavaScript and TypeScript Git repositories, to help analyze, track, and visualize technical debt.

GitGuardian — A VS Code extension that provides a safety net to help developers safeguard their sensitive information (passwords, API key, tokens, etc.) from accidental leaks in code.

Onefetch — A command-line Git information tool written in Rust that displays project information and code statistics for a local Git repository directly to your terminal.

open — An old tool that's a Node.js package for command-line tools and scripts that allows you to open things like URLs, files, and executables in a cross-platform manner.

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JavaScript Library Plugins

SvelteDnD — A lightweight drag-and-drop library for Svelte 5 applications that's built with TypeScript and Svelte's runes system for state management.

solid-events — A set of primitives for declarative event composition and state derivation for SolidJS, which works as a simpler version of RxJS that integrates well with SolidJS.

Sparkline — A lightweight and customizable sparkline (i.e. interactive graph/chart) component for Svelte 5, based on a similar vanilla JS older project.

zustand-xs — A TypeScript-based package that provides an XState/store compatible middleware for Zustand, the popular React state management tool.

ngx-sonner — An opinionated toast component for Angular apps, with options to customize the types of toast notifications, position, colors, etc.

Meco — A newsletter reader that includes AI audio roundups, newsletter recommendations, and bookmarking. Supports email signup via Gmail, Outlook, or your own unique Meco email address.   SPONSORED 

Solid Toast — Lightweight and customizable toast notifications for SolidJS that are accessible and based on the Promises API.

Solid Toast

three-pinata — A Three.js library for fracturing and slicing non-convex meshes in real time, ported from an old C# library.

Tipex — An advanced rich text editor solution tailored for Svelte and built with the popular Tiptap and Prosemirror libraries.

svelte-zoomable-circles — A Svelte component for displaying and browsing hierarchical data using zoomable circles, built with Svelte and D3.js.

Commercial Apps & Classifieds

These are commercial apps, affiliate links, PPC ads, and paid classifieds. Buy a Classified here.
RepoFlow – A repository manage­ment platform with instant package access and smart search.
AI Mastery – A newsletter covering simple, practical career tips to prepare for our AI present.    AD 
Panto – A code review/security platform as a unified, end-to-end solution with GitHub integration.
MapKit – Embed interactive, customizable maps with multiple markers, no coding required.
Techpresso – Join 100,000+ free daily readers for the latest AI and tech news, tools, and insights.    AD 
Stripo – A no-code, drag-n-drop HTML email template builder with testing tools and bulk actions.
prbot – GitHub Slack integration for effective (not spammy) pull request notifications for teams.

A Social Post for Thought

Great advice on how to avoid seeing advertisements.
You know why I love reading? These days it's one of the few respites from being constantly advertised to.

Send Me Your Tools!

Made something? Reply to this email or send links via Direct Message on X or via chat on Bluesky (details here). No tutorials or articles, please. If you have any suggestions for improvement or corrections, feel free to reply to this email.

Before I Go...

If you and your family members have trouble agreeing on what to make for meals, you might want to try out What Dinner?, an iOS app that lets you collaborate on meal planning and menus.

Thanks to all for subscribing and reading!

Keep tooling,