Issue #575 (CSS/HTML, JSON/DB, Vue)07/25/24
CSS & HTML Tools
Design GUI — A multi-featured browser extension that allows you to manage colors using CSS variables, generate color palettes with AI, test for accessibility, and more.
htmd — An HTML to Markdown converter for Rust, inspired by turndown.js, an older JavaScript-based project.
Tailwind CSS Intersection — A Tailwind plugin and JS utility that includes some extra Tailwind variants so you can write Intersection Observers using inline CSS.
Tailwind Gradients — A gallery of ready-to-use Tailwind-based CSS gradients, with the option to rotate the gradient as needed before copying the code.
Unlock Advanced iOS Device Management Using PList — Improve efficiency with our guide on creating, adding, and managing PLists in Blueprints for iOS devices. SPONSORED
Braille-Tools — CSS and JavaScript to display grade 1 Braille visually on a web page (for sighted people).
My Color Hub — An AI prompt that lets you generate a gradient using a text description (e.g. "3-color gradient with shades of blue"), which you can then customize as needed.
Nho — A tiny JavaScript library designed for easy Web Component development, to help you avoid some of the more complex APIs normally involved with creating Web Components.
HTML-Spinner Examples — A script for creating customizable HTML loading spinners based on Web Components, with no dependencies.
OKLCH Color Variations — A Figma plugin to generate color palettes with variations in the OKLCH color space, beneficial for designs to establish hierarchy, contrast, attention, etc.
JSON & Database Tools
Quick SQL — A Markdown-like shorthand syntax that expands to standards-based Oracle SQL, useful for rapidly designing and prototyping data models.
gql.tada — A GraphQL document authoring library that derives the types for your GraphQL queries on the fly, allowing you to write type-safe GraphQL documents quickly.
jsonAI — An AI-powered API that allows you to instantly transform your data into perfect JSON, with a monthly free plan up to 100k tokens and 5 endpoints.
Soul — A command line tool that offers an SQLite REST and real-time server, extendable via your own custom APIs.
AI Tool Report — Join 530,000+ readers with a daily email featuring quick 5-minute insights on how to save time and earn more with AI. SPONSORED — A simple online SQL syntax beautifier, built with Next.js and the Monaco editor, inspired by a similar JSON formatter.
Superjson — A library to safely serialize JavaScript expressions to a superset of JSON, which includes Dates, BigInts, and more.
Teable — A super-fast, real-time, professional, developer-friendly, no-code database as a next-generation Airtable alternative.
JsonTree.js — A lightweight JavaScript library that generates customizable tree views to better visualize JSON data.
graphql-query-complexity — A library provides GraphQL query analysis to reject complex queries to your GraphQL server, useful to protect your GraphQL servers against resource exhaustion and DoS attacks.
Vue Tools
Nuxt Leaflet — A Nuxt module for Leaflet maps, made using Vue Leaflet which is a Vue 3 wrapper for Leaflet, that exposes the original Leaflet API as Vue components.
Vue Fluid DnD — A lightweight drag-and-drop library for interactive lists in Vue 3 that's fluid, smooth, and versatile, with no extra dependencies.
vue-simple-props — A Vue component to allow you to avoid having to define props, emits, slots, and attrs at run-time, with full TypeScript support.
VueXYZ — A collection of Vue composables for creative coding that doesn't render anything for you but instead the composables return reactive data that you can use as you see fit.
Kitbag — A small suite of high-quality TypeScript and Vue tools that includes a router, a mapping utility, and lightweight event bus.
AI Tool Report — Join 530,000+ readers with a daily email featuring quick 5-minute insights on how to save time and earn more with AI. SPONSORED
Alokai — A headless storefront for Nuxt-based e-commerce projects that offers a plug-and-play solution that works with any back end and is fully customizable.
Create Vue3 App — A project scaffolding tool for Vue apps, powered by Vite, with options to pass command line arguments to set up a new project non-interactively.
Nuxt Rate Limit — A Nuxt tool to add rate limits to your Nuxt 3 API routes, with features like ability to set rate limits per API route, return seconds until reset, and more.
chibivue — A minimal vuejs/core implementation, with the goal of simplifying the understanding of Vue's core.
Commercial Apps & Classifieds
Cloudpress – A service to export content from Google Docs and Notion to your CMS.
Secure Email – Archive, search and analyze your emails securely with Email Vault. AD 
Forloop – A no-code platform that lets you collect, prepare, and automate external data.
Parea – Tools for debugging, testing, evaluating, and monitoring LLM-powered applications.
Techpresso – Join 100,000+ free daily readers for the latest AI and tech news, tools, and insights. AD
OptiClean – An AI-powered image retouch app to remove unwanted people, objects, blemishes, etc.
Hackreels – A platform to create effortlessly beautiful code animations in seconds.
An X Post for Thought
Are we using CSS variables wrong? Interesting discussion, though most don't seem to agree with the thought in the original post.
Send Me Your Tools!
Made something? Reply to this email or send links via Direct Message on X @LouisLazaris (details here). No tutorials or articles, please. If you have any suggestions for improvement or corrections, feel free to reply to this email.
Before I Go...
Apparently someone went to the trouble of registering a domain name just to diss someone's mom. And yes, 413 is a real HTTP error message (though it's obviously faked here).
Thanks to all for subscribing and reading!
Keep tooling,