Web Tools Weekly
Tools for Web Developers

Issue #572  (CSS/HTML, AI Tools, Jamstack)07/04/24


Automate Your Agency
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Automate Your Agency Newsletter

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CSS and HTML Tools

MSHR — A collection of 200+ CSS mesh gradients, with the option to create your own custom mesh gradients using an online playground.

vite-plugin-shadow-style — A Vite plugin to inject CSS styles into the shadow root of web components.

Linefont — A unique typeface made up of lines, that's part of Google Fonts, for rendering small and medium-scale line charts.


Automate Your Agency — The newsletter for digital marketing agencies in the age of AI. Learn how to automate your processes for SEO, PPC, branding, outreach and customer acquisition.   SPONSORED 

EntityCode — A clear and quick reference to search for and copy and paste the most common HTML characters and their entity codes.

Fluid for Tailwind CSS — A Tailwind plugin to help you build better responsive designs with less code by scaling utilities smoothly between breakpoints with CSS clamp().

Pigment CSS — A zero-runtime CSS-in-JS library that extracts the co-located styles to their own CSS files at build time, based on the WyW-in-JS library for building CSS-in-JS solutions.

Neptune — A table component that allows you to build HTML tables with multiple interactive features, to build grids and data tables.

Tailwind CSS Color Generator — A Figma plugin to generate a full Tailwind CSS color scale based on a hex code, HSL color, or a random color, to allow you to create color variables, styles, and a color guide based on the generated color scale.

ChatGPT and AI Tools

OpenAPI AutoSpec — A local server proxy that generates new OpenAPI specifications from network requests to automatically convert network traffic into the specification.

OpenGPTs — An open-source effort to create a similar experience to OpenAI's GPTs and Assistants API, powered by LangGraph, a framework for creating agent runtimes.

GrowthWaves — Get your bi-weekly dose of B2B growth insights packed with powerful case studies, trends, and creative growth strategies you won't find elsewhere.   SPONSORED 

Pinokio — An AI browser that lets you install, run, and programmatically control any application automatically.


lunary — Open-source observability, prompt management, and evaluations for LLMs, with features like analytics, monitoring, prompt templates, and lots more.

LlamaIndex.TS — A TypeScript framework for building LLM-powered apps, to help you ingest, structure, and access private or domain-specific data. Also available as a Python package.

OpenAI API Free Reverse Proxy — Free self-hosted API access to ChatGPT (gpt-3.5-turbo) with OpenAI's familiar structure, so no code changes are needed.

node-mlx — A TypeScript-based machine learning framework for Node.js, based on MLX, a C++ array framework for machine learning research on Apple silicon.

Experts.js — An easy way to create and deploy OpenAI's Assistants and link them together as tools to create advanced Multi AI Agent Systems with expanded memory and attention to detail.

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Jamstack and CMS Tools

Bliss — A single-column blog template for Eleventy sites, featuring dark/light mode switcher, social sharing buttons, PWA support, translation, HSL colors, and lots more.

Decap — An open-source content management system for your Git workflow, compatible with most static site generators, and able to be configured and extended as needed.

The TEA Stack — A minimal stack that makes static site generation a breeze, based on Eleventy, Tailwind, Alpine.js, and Vite.

deco.cx — A universal Git-based CMS to build high performance sites, apps, and storefronts with Deno, htmx, JSX, and Tailwind. Offers a decent free starter plan that allows custom domains.

GrowthWaves — Get your bi-weekly dose of B2B growth insights packed with powerful case studies, trends, and creative growth strategies you won't find elsewhere.   SPONSORED 

eleventy-simple — A blog starter template based on Eleventy and Simple.css, the popular CSS framework for styling element defaults.

DevKinsta — A free Local WordPress development suite to design, develop, and deploy WordPress sites from your local machine, available for macOS, Windows, and Ubuntu.


Soupault — A static website generator and framework that works with HTML element trees and can automatically manipulate them, treating HTML as a first-class format to enable features that are impossible for other SSGs.

Pack11ty — A heavily opinionated Eleventy starter template built with SCSS with lots of features out of the box like PWA, responsive images, pagination, enhanced Markdown, and more.

Commercial Apps & Classifieds

These are commercial apps, affiliate links, PPC ads, and paid classifieds. Buy a Classified here.
Kopage – A white-label, AI-based website builder with features for SEO, blogging, e-commerce, etc.
TLDR – A byte-sized version of Hacker News that takes just a few minutes to read.   AD 
GetWebsite.Report – An AI-powered website audit packed with tailored insights and proven tactics.
Chatbit – Add AI chat bots to your website with custom data sources, custom colors, and more.
Techpresso – Join 100,000+ free daily readers for the latest AI and tech news, tools, and insights.    AD 
Browserhub – Easy to use no-code web scraping and data extraction software with scheduling.
Darkmatter – A native Mac app to edit Astro content collections in a CMS‑like interface.

An X Post for Thought

Apparently someone figured out how to pull an Uno-reverso on AI-scanned cover letters and resumes. Genius if it works!
An X Post for Thought

Send Me Your Tools!

Made something? Reply to this email or send links via Direct Message on X @LouisLazaris (details here). No tutorials or articles, please. If you have any suggestions for improvement or corrections, feel free to reply to this email.

Before I Go...

If you'd like to preserve the memory of your dog in the form a small piece of memorabilia, you'll want to check out Tina's TinyDogs service. She'll create a handmade, needle-felted miniature version of your dog based on pictures you send. Price will vary depending on the dog. The squirrels and chipmunks in my backyard would like to know if she ever intends to expand into other species!

Thanks to all for subscribing and reading!

Keep tooling,