Web Tools Weekly
Tools for Web Developers

Issue #569  (React, AI Tools, Mobile)06/13/24


The Best New App for Newsletter Reading
Meco is a distraction-free space for reading newsletters outside the inbox. The app is packed with features designed to supercharge your learnings from your favourite writers.


Meco connects to Gmail & Outlook, is available to try free on iOS and desktop on the web, and has features like grouping newsletters, setting smart filters, bookmarking your favorites, and reading in a scrollable feed.

Join over 30k readers enjoying their newsletters and decluttering their inbox.

Try Meco Today →


React Tools

next-cache-toolbar — A toolbar that helps to identify entries in Next.js's Data Cache, which persists the result of data fetches across incoming server requests and deployments.

rsc-html-stream — A small utility to inject a React Server Components payload into an HTML stream on the server, and read it back into a stream on the client.

Fumadocs — A powerful framework for Next.js for building documentation sites with an excellent UI and user experience.

Meco — Free your newsletters from the inbox. Move your newsletters to a space built for reading and declutter your inbox in seconds.    SPONSORED 

tscircuit — A React library complemented by a registry, package manager, command line tool, and AI electronic design suite that makes it easy to create, share, export, and manufacture electronic circuits.


Nexar — A modular and layered application architecture designed specifically for building monolithic full-stack apps with the new Next.js App Router.

Divz — A React UI component that lets you scroll, swipe, and zoom through HTML content on the 3D z-axis, ideal to showcase your portfolio, media, or products.

Easy Email — A feature-rich, open-source SaaS email editor based on React and MJML, with a drag-and-drop editor, dynamic rendering, and more.

Harmony — A color picker component for React that computes harmonic colors along with the primary one and supports analogous, triad, tetradic, complementary, square harmonies.

next-view-transitions — A library aimed at implementing basic use cases for the new View Transitions API with Next.js App Router.

ChatGPT and AI Tools

LLocalSearch — A Go-based, completely locally running search aggregator using LLM Agents that allows the user to ask a question and the system will use a chain of LLMs to find the answer.

Graphlit — An API-first platform that offers intelligent extraction, vector-based search, and RAG conversations, to accelerate your generative AI app development.

AgentGPT — A web-based platform to assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI Agents in your browser.

BookBub — Get free and discounted bestselling e-books. Join millions of happy readers saving up to 95% on the biggest e-books available, personalized to your reading taste and deals delivered to you daily.   SPONSORED 

ChattyUI — A private AI that leverages WebGPU to run LLMs natively and privately in your browser, for a feature-rich in-browser AI experience.

Turbo Seek — An AI search engine inspired by Perplexity (a similar search engine) and powered by Together.ai (a service for deploying scalable AI applications).

Turbo Seek

gpt2txt — An image-to-text converter powered by GPT that's fast and built with Vercel AI SDK, Claude, and Next.js.

AnythingLLM — An native, AI-based business intelligence tool for Mac, Windows, and Linux, that lets you chat with your docs, use AI Agents, and is hyper-configurable, multi-user, with no frustrating set up required.

Secret Llama — A fully private LLM chatbot that runs entirely in the browser with no server needed and supports Mistral and LLama 3.

Plandex — A reliable and developer-friendly AI coding agent in your terminal that can plan out and complete large tasks that span many files and steps.

The Morning Paper for Hacker News Readers
Want a byte-sized version of Hacker News that takes just a few minutes to read? 

Try TLDR's free daily newsletter.

TLDR covers the most interesting tech, startup, and programming stories in under 5 minutes.


No sports. No politics. No weather.

TLDR is read by 1,250,000 software engineers, founders, and tech workers.

Subscribe for Free →


Mobile and React Native Tools

react-native-image-editor — A library for React Native that provides an API for cropping images from the web and the local file system.

Expo Share Extension — An Expo config plugin for creating iOS share extensions with a custom view, similar to Pinterest, with support for Apple Sign-In, custom background, custom height, and custom fonts.

BookBub — Get free and discounted bestselling e-books. Join millions of happy readers saving up to 95% on the biggest e-books available, personalized to your reading taste and deals delivered to you daily.   SPONSORED 

Globify — A native Mac app that lets you use GPT-4 to localize your entire iOS app in minutes, with features to manage target languages, edit localizations, multiple projects, glossaries, and more.


react-native-skottie — A high performance library for running Lottie animations in Skia, with support for Lottie files (JSON) and DotLottie files (.lottie).

react-tv-space-navigation — A React Native module to handle spatial navigation for a TV application in a 100% cross-platform way.

iOS404 — An unofficial resource that lists web platform features that aren't yet available, or only partially supported, on iOS, with options to filter by browser.

react-native-circular-progress — A React Native component for creating an animated, circular progress indicator with a numeric value, useful for displaying a user score or similar.

react-native-raw-bottom-sheet — A React Native component to add a 'bottom sheet' navigation feature to your mobile app, with support for Android and iOS.

React Native Colo Loco — A library that lets you co-locate your native modules and components with your JavaScript/JSX files.

Commercial Apps & Classifieds

These are commercial apps, affiliate links, PPC ads, and paid classifieds. Buy a Classified here.
Wike AI – An all-in-one AI platform that offers unlimited access to all top AI tools for a one-time payment.
TLDR – A byte-sized version of Hacker News that takes just a few minutes to read.   AD 
Marblism – A platform to use AI to generate your React/Node.js application in minutes.
React Native Starter AI – A React Native with Expo boilerplate to create your mobile app with AI.
Techpresso – Join 100,000+ free daily readers for the latest AI and tech news, tools, and insights.    AD 
Vexo – A React Native tool for analytics that provides a solution for precise and actionable data.
toolmark.ai – A no-code platform to build AI-powered tools and browser extensions.

An X Post for Thought

If you haven't yet checked out the new features in React 19, Wes Bos put together a short video covering some of the new stuff.
An X Post for Thought

Send Me Your Tools!

Made something? Reply to this email or send links via Direct Message on X @LouisLazaris (details here). No tutorials or articles, please. If you have any suggestions for improvement or corrections, feel free to reply to this email.

Before I Go...

Close is a "travel time map" (not a "time travel" map) that allows travelers to be near the amenities that matter most to them.

Thanks to all for subscribing and reading!

Keep tooling,